Albert M Simons

When Albert Simons left for military training in Plattsburg on August 29th, 1917,  he planned a leave of absence  from his job in Hartford, Ct as a city assessor.  He was guest  of honor at a farewell banquet at the Heridian Hotel when he received a gift of officer’s field glasses. . After a period of time, he was sent to France where he attended a two month officer’s training school. He graduated and was assigned to the 104th Infantry as instructor in modern warfare. The 104th division fought heroically and on April 29th, the entire 104th Infantry received the Croix-de-Guerre by the French Government.  Lt. Simons was injured near the end of the war and spent 6 weeks in a hospital in Nice.  He arrived back home in Hartford on February 18. 1919 where he was met by a large crowd of friends and  family at the train station. and then was  taken in an automobile back to his home at 10 Mather Street. With his wife Rae and their 16-year-old twin boys by his side, Lt  Simons smoked cigars and entertained several visitors who either came to his door or called on the telephone.  Simons claimed he was planning to return back to his job as an assessor.

Simons did not waste any time in setting up speaking engagement for himself. On February 19,1919. the day after his arrival home he spoke at the Haddasah meeting on his experiences  of the war. It seems the Lt Simons never neglected an opportunity to speak out in public. He was a real politician and an important person in both the Jewish and Christian community.  He returned to being an assessor and then a deputy sheriff  in Hartford. He continued his interest in veterans affairs and eventually was elected Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Simons never forgot his Jewish background.. On April 28,1919, while speaking at the Rebecca Lodge, he said that Jews had a reputation of being peace-loving and business oriented but they have proven that they are just as good as a fighter as anyone else serving their country. They fought side-by-side by Protestant and Catholic soldiers. He stated that it was now
time to create a melting pot of all people in Hartford and declare that we are all Americans.

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